Alvar Aalto tours

Explore Aalto’s architectural legacy across Finland, showcasing key landmarks and iconic buildings in various cities.

The purpose of these five tours is to offer immersive experiences in exploring the architectural legacy of Alvar Aalto, spanning various cities and regions in Finland, allowing participants to delve into his early and later works, understand his design philosophy, and witness the evolution of his iconic style firsthand.

Below you’ll find summaries of the five programs. You can read the tours in their entirety on Alvar Aalto’s website here.

Visit the Alvar Aalto Tours homepage here.

Contact us


CEO, Marika Puttonen
Email :
Contact : +358 20 746 6729


DMC Manager, Lakshitha “Lucky” Mallikaarachchi
WhatsApp : +358 50 308 1883


Email: /
Mobile: +358 50 308 1883 / +358 20 746 6729